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Your generous tax-exempt donation will provide Friends of Blackstone School with funds to support teachers, staff and families in their efforts to provide students with the best education possible.

Use the form below to donate with a credit card, or with Venmo through our Givebutter fundraising app. (If you would like to use PayPal go to our PayPal Giving Fund page at "Other Ways To Donate")

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Other Ways to Donate


PayPal Giving Fund

Make a no fee donation by going directly to PayPal.



On Amazon 

Please do your shopping at and Amazon will donate to Friends Of The Blackstone School Inc.



By Mail

Friends of Blackstone School, Inc.
PO Box 180332
Boston, MA 02118

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Invest in your community


We have no paid staff, so your gift directly supports the school. Based on the priorities set by the school’s Site Council, our Board adopted the following four development areas:


  • Provide support and supplies for teacher use in the classrooms

  • Support parent and family involvement in the school

  • Support curriculum enrichment and professional development for the teachers and professional staff

  • Improve the physical appearance of the school


Some examples of how your dollars will be put to use include:


  • Transportation for parents from other neighborhoods to school meetings

  • Technology enhancement for children with multiple disabilities

  • Supplement special curriculum like Writer’s Express

  • Help purchase classroom supplies

  • Help sponsor school programs geared towards strengthening family-school engagement

  • Respond to staff requests for emergency assistance for students and families

  • Bring together community resources to improve the school entrance and external face of the school

  • Support the volunteer-run school library with additional books and volunteer staffing

  • Help with supplies, transportation costs and art projects

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